Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Free at last!

Ok, so apparently the creative writing piece I posted in my last blog is not actually 3rd person limited as I stated. It is 3rd person omnipotent, which I now realise should have been quite clear to me. I thought I knew this stuff, but it turned out I was overestimating myself! I'm pretty sure I've got it all figured out now though ... Stay tuned, I may be eating my words once again.

I have fallen behind in my studies again, which is disappointing (to me - obviously - but then I'm used to being disappointed in myself!). I wish I had more time, because everything feels rushed, when what I really want is to be able to just write; to do all the exercises and really practice. Not only that, but I was hoping to catch up on some discussion topics (for my course) over the Easter break, but I discovered today that some of the topics have been locked! Gah! To be fair, we were warned that this would happen, but I conveniently forgot (as I am apt to do with important pieces of information such as this).

Working and studying full time is just not for me, I don't know how people do it. This is why I am so pleased to know that in as little as 6 weeks, I will no longer be working at all! The idea is so freeing, now my only wish is that it was sooner. My boyfriend has gotten a job in Singapore, which means that I will be moving too.

Conveniently (for me, not for my boyfriend) it looks like it will be very difficult, if not impossible, for me to get a job over there, as the market is very competitive and I don't have a degree. At first I was despairing a little over this, but now I see it as a good thing; it will give me time to really concentrate on writing. I think this is what I need to get the juices flowing: no other clutter; no distractions; just writing. The life of a true artist (dare I call myself that?... Dare anyone, though, right?). I imagine myself holed up in our tiny one-bedroom apartment, slogging away, or wandering through the strange city trying to pass the time while my boyfriend is working. As long as I can adapt to having hardly any money, I think I am going to enjoy it.

Of course, I could be completely wrong. I might actually hate it and feel horrible and want to come home. I hope not!

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